Fruit Trifle

This dessert consists of 4 layers. Cake soaked in orange juice, Jelly, Fruits and custard. You may add more layers if you wish.

   For the Cake Refer here

   For the Jelly
       2 tbsp any flavour jelly crystals (i have used strawberry flavour)

       4 tbsp hot water
       4 tbsp cold water
   For the Custard:
       5 tbsp vanilla flavoured custard powder
       Half litre milk
       3 tbsp sugar

   Other ingredients:
        2 cups chopped fruits (you can use any fruits. I have used banana, apples and strawberry)
        Half cup orange juice 

  • In a bowl mix jelly crystals with hot and cold water. Mix well and keep it on the refrigerator for 4-5 hours
  • Boil the milk and add sugar. Once the sugar dissolves add the custard powder dissolved in little milk and keep stirring till the custard becomes thick. Allow it to cool
  • Bake the cake and cut a 1 inch thick layer.
  • To assemble take a big square or rectangle dish. Cut a 1 inch layer of the cake or cut small pieces and arrange it in the dish. 
  • Pour orange juice with a spoon all over the cake
  • Spread the jelly on the cake layer
  • Next layer will be chopped fruits
  • And then pour the custard and smoothen it with the back of a spoon
  • Cover the dish with a cling film or a lid and refrigerate for 2 hours.
