Honey Tossed Chilli Garlic Paneer


 Paneer- 200 gms  cut into cubes
Diced onion- 2
Diced capsicum- 1
Chopped garlic- 4 flakes
Sliced kashmiri red chilli- 1
Black Pepper pdr- 1 tsp
Chilli Garlic paste * - 2 tsp
Tomato ketchup- 1 tsp
Soya sauce- 2 tsp
Honey- 2 tsp

Method :

Saute onions in a big pan. Add chopped garlic and red cillies. Fry for a while. Add pepper pdr, chilli garlic paste. Then add paneer and capsicum fry for a while. Add  tomato ketchup, soya sauce and salt. Mix well. When the paneer becomes soft, add honey and toss it well.

*Chilli Garlic Paste- Soak 3 kashmiri red chillies for 15 mins and grind it coarsely with 4 garlic flakes and 2 tsp vinegar.
