
Ingredients :

1 cup Fine semolina / bombay rawa
2 tbsp sugar
Pinch of salt
Half tsp cardamom powder
Oil to deep fry

 For the sugar syrup:
   1 cup sugar
   1/4 cup water

Method :

  • Mix 2 tbsp sugar and salt in 2 cups of water. Heat it and bring it to a boil. 
  • Add the semolina and keep stirring on a medium flame. Stir continuously so that no lumps are formed. Cook till it forms a mass. Switch off flame and let it cool
  • Once the mixture is cooled grease your hands and take a spoonful of the mixture and shape them into oval shaped balls. See that there are no cracks
  • Once all the semolina balls are ready deep fry them in low-medium heat till it turns brown and crisp. This will take time. Drain on a kitchen towel. 
  • Heat sugar and water in a separate pan. Once it reaches one string consistency, lower the heat and continue to boil it till whitish foam is formed on top. Switch off flame and add the semolina balls and keep stirring with a spoon till all the jambuls are covered with sugar syrup. 
  • Remove them on a plate and let it cool. Once the jambuls are cooled, the sugar will form a crisp crust on the jambuls. Store in airtight container
